the last hurrah
& Thursday, March 31
insecurities are bad.
the world screams that you're not good enough.
dont want to conform.
dont want to bother.
dont want to lie.
i want to be strong.
why is it so tough.
i'm tired of trying to be what the world says i should be.
cos i'll never be good enough. right?!
where are You.
what do You say i should be.
am i good enough?
10:01 PM
finally met up with a few of the leiyu peeps!
sorry kriss!
the meeting was really cancelled at first.
then we decided to go again last minute. so SORRY!
we'll meet up another time k(:
fedora meien bev!
yall look great in your new uniforms!
fedora looks good with contacts.
bev and her great remove-chilli-from-skirt skills.
and meien for the dinner company.
cheers(: miss yall loads!
watched ms congeniality.
its no award winner. definitely.
but funny. if you have spare cash/time and need to laugh.
then watch it.
10years3months, how fast they fly.
i still remember the first day.
i'm gonna miss you.
but we have to move on ,don't we.
my cool sis in england:
have a great time in america!
i know He will take care of you(:
remember my rock(s)!
since you're going soooo many places, get me more!
things to do:
#1 geog tutorials
#2 maths tutorial
#3 read the little green book of chengyus
#4 thread new blouse
#5 finish judges
#6 brush my teeth
#7 read book(agatha christie)
#8 pray
#9 sleep
8:29 PM
& Monday, March 28
so here it goes all over again.
classmates come, classmates go.
the talkers leave, the stoners stay.
why. when you were really comfortable with keeping quiet because you didnt want to add to the massive noise around you. and because you really dont feel like talking. the talkers leave.
so now you have to talk. or you will be labelled as anti-social and fierce.
your class is so dead.
you don't really like one particular person in the class.
you think that person is mean.
but if you say anything about it, you'll be the mean one.
talking behind someone's back about that person talking behind other people's back.
and so you shut up.
you wish things were different.
you wish that you wouldn't be affected by the ways of the world.
you wish you were really the person you were meant to be.
you wish you didnt care about what people think.
you wish you were stronger.
you wish you were a little taller and that you didnt have to cut off 5 inches of your new skirt.
you wish you could count on someone.
gloree if you're reading this! you can't comment on my blog anymore! no worries, no one can.
10:32 PM
& Sunday, March 27
the grave could not hold my KING.
school is finally starting tomorrow.
to me at least.
no more fooling around and pretending examinations are non-existent.
so i'm gonna stop watching TV.
stopstopstop. willpower!
11:12 PM
& Saturday, March 26
i like daffy's blog (sister's psc scholarship mate).
#1 i find her really amusing. jane thinks so too.
#2 its amazing how someone can blog about every single thing she eats.
#3 i think she and her boyfriend look really good together.
(ok so this isnt a good reason but its true)
and of course more importantly,
- i get to see agnes. occasionally.
- i see the food she cooks! which look really good and i'm not saying this because she is my sister. i hardly compliment my siblings.
- i know what she does there!! hint: 24th feb 2005.
i love blogsurfing.
you realise the world is so huge.
and He has it in His hands.
12:22 AM
& Friday, March 25
it rained today.
as it always does on Good Friday.
sure its not the best thing to have when you're in the cemetery visiting your great-grandparents.
but i am glad it did :)
was reminded of His faithfulness.
was reminded of His sacrifice so great the heavens wept.
and as the water flowed down my arm,
i was reminded that my Saviour's blood flowed down the cross, that i may be in His presence for eternity :)
finally finished the agatha christie book!
she ROCKS! as always.
my sis and i finally decided on my dad's birthday present.
its a little expensive
but as long as my sis(the one going to US for holiday) pays 40% of it.
everything will be fine :)
so jie! don't buy anything for papa! we need your pounds!
my cool granduncle gave me a stack of national geographic!
YAY! you rock!
11:39 PM
& Thursday, March 24
i love self-declared holidays.
shopping with sister!
gosh why is she so addicted to pastamania?!
i will never eat pastamania again. ugh:(
Hideo Asano talked to me today.
i bought a Hemingway book because of him.
he intrigued me so i decided to hear what he wanted to say.
then he talked about the bible and Jesus. that was when i listened.
he talked about a lot of things. said that almost every book is junk. said that agatha christie is junk. said that knowledge is so important. said the poetry is important. he said so many things.
i don't believe everything he said. no books are not junk. i believe they are on shelves for a reason.
but this i agree.
#1 the bible is the most important book ever.
#2 knowledge is so much more important than stuff, than looks, than status.
#3 in all you do, put your soul into it.
i dont care if he talked to me to sell me his book or whatever. i know i met him not by chance. and i'm glad i did. perhaps one day i will meet him again.
i learnt something today. and i didnt go to school.
1972 years ago. on this night.
Jesus stood in a trial. His trial.
He had no defence lawyers, no fair judges, no truthful witnesses.
He had no sin. He didnt defend Himself.
He bore the cross. He bore the shame. He bore the rejection. He bore the pain. because He couldn't bear not having you with Him in eternity.
the Jews did not kill Him. the romans did not kill Him.
who can kill the Creator of the world?
how can the created kill their Creator?
He sacrificed. He gave His life.
because He loves :) i thank You.
11:32 PM
& Wednesday, March 23
(in chinese)
chinese is not needed in uni admission
so why do you want to redo it since you already have a B4.
are you sure?
are you sure you will do better if you redo it
cos you'll be wasting your time and the school's time if you didnt. blahblahblah
but of course i'll let you redo since you have the interest.
yea you're nice i guess. you said yes.
not that you can say no since there is a possibility of me or my parents complaining to the MOE which will actually never happen but you didnt know that.
gradesbeforeinterest. wow.
you were unkind. you were mean. you're not nice.
i'll clam up. shut up. what you say and do wont hurt me then.
11:08 PM
& Tuesday, March 22
goodbye white belt
hello red belt.
million dollar baby.
i wouldn't do the film justice if i commented on it.
Clint Eastwood is good.
chris rock was right. he is a star.
no doubt about that.
i think i'll go do another collage.
and one day i'll frame them all up.
a song that wouldnt go away:
my God is so big
so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God cannot do.
the mountains are His
the rivers are His
the stars are His handiwork too.
i guess the song is a little wrong.
cos there are some things my God cannot do.
my God cannot lie, my God cannot sin.
my God cannot be mean, my God cannot be bad.
and i take comfort in the things my God cannot do.
my God will never leave me, my God will never forsake me.
my God will never ever not love me.
and my God is the best.
no doubt about that.
8:42 AM
& Monday, March 21
its not that bad i guess.
mr francis gave us some motivational talk about dreaming big and following your heart and all the usual stuff you hear all the time.
but he sounded really sincere.
and he really makes an effort to teach us well.
so yea he's cool :)
he said if someone were to ask you what you wanted to do.
what are the things that come to your mind immediately.
- i want to travel the world.
- i want to be a pro-photographer.
- i want to work in the film industry.
- i want to open a restaurant.
- i want to fly.
- i want to skydive.
- i want to ski.
- i want to dive.
- i want to learn greek and malay.
- i want to paint my room red.
- i want to read every book in the bookstore.
- i want to study.
i think i want too much.
oh yes. i told my teacher about me wanting to do chinese.
he said i am a rare breed.
which in other words mean that i'm crazy and weird.
oh whatever.
there is no school tomorrow.
i shall be productive for once.
10:11 PM
& Sunday, March 20
we say He loved us with His life.
have we forgotten that its not just us.
He loved the world with His life.
will we tell them? will i tell them?
march holidays are finally over.
glad to be going back to sch tmr. suddenly.
i scare myself sometimes. or the idea of being so lazy scares me.
the wedding!!
cheers to my sweet cousin siying(:
and cheers to me for not sleeping when i'm not supposed to!
she looked so pretty!
saw this super cool photographer with a cool attitude/accent.
and i fell in love with conrad
goodness the place is so nice and classy.
the food was great. the service was good.
the toilets were the best!
we had sharing and evaluation today.
it was ok. i think.
said a little of what i was thinking about.
and "i think this class is weird" is not right.
the class is good, but it can be better!
i guess that's what i meant.
i really need time to think before i speak
cos otherwise only my favourite word comes out.
oh well. i'm weird.
random stuff:
#1 tee my buddy! thanks so much for the message(:
#2 i have no idea why me being as long as the corridor is a strange thing. please take note its the width.
#3 gloree looks weird in red specs. no weird is not negative. well in this case it isn't.
#4 enjoyed the talk with gloree and lijun! we need to have more of these. so go for the church camp both of you! please.
#5 patience. i need to learn.
#6 michelle! thanks for commenting! sorry i didnt tell you we were meeting. didnt think you would want to come. anyway we're meeting to watch ms congeniality soon k. take care girl!
#7 love ain't love if its easy to love.
#8 i wasted my whole entire week. if you see it from MOE's point of view that is.
#9 humility.
#10 the camera fund finally has a deposit.
cheers to siying and patrick for my frist angpow!
#11 i see chinese lessons coming.
God is not a man that He should lie,
nor a son of man, that he should change His mind.
does he speak and then not act?
does he promise and not fulfill?
numbers 23:19
You promised to never leave me, never forsake me.
i cling to Your promise. always.
11:38 PM
& Saturday, March 19
good morning comrades! absolutelycool gloree reporting regarding lastest updates of the crosslink music camp in church.
we are all dead. anyway it's 6:54am saturday and we're all bumming around in church fter the crazy 7hour midnight worship we had last night/this morning. (: whee. after which we had a bbq at the car porch at like 3:30am. O_O hurrr. so basically, esther and lijun are officially dead. since we've been talking crap/doing random stuff till now, and only super me and gerald are awake. :D but then we're gonna die soon, so oh well. :/
esther is as long as the width of the corridor. how strange is that?! and favian is weird and is sleeping in the corner. WEIRD. lijun is suffocating in the sleeping bag. hmmm. i think we're all just overwhelmed by fatigue and starting to become incoherent. kids are interesting creatures.
._. i am weird. and it's not necessarily a bad thing alright. think positive!
6:51 AM
& Thursday, March 17
i found out something today.
it made my day. really
and when i think about it. i cant help smiling to myself.
and to the world actually.
i think the people in toa payoh and bishan think i'm crazy.
oh well. its no crime. the world needs more smiles anyway.
to you:
that was real good! you ROCK!
i'm so glad we had that conversation (:
take care!
i found out something else today.
no i did not make my day.
but i'm still smiling. cos He is good. always (:
met up with kriss and gloria.
i just realised that i am soo blur and oblivious at things happening around me.
maybe that's the beauty of being short. you get to stand and sit and do everything in the front that you are clueless about what's happening behind. then again if you are short and someone taller stands in front of you, you'll still be clueless since you cant see a thing. so yes being short is good. to a certain extent at least.
i digressed. but that was a good point to make :)
so anyway, i'm glad i met up with them.
though our lives are so different, they are my good friends and always will be.
to kriss glor:
you both take care of yourselves. really
i'm always there to listen.
and i'll meet you both as often as i can.
on one condition though, it must be indoors.
the kite runner/
i love this book.
its different. its words and message dont linger in your mind. it drives straight into your heart.
and for once i really feel sad and sympathize with the characters.
unlike all the literature passages where i write that cos there is nothing else to write.
i have to stop lying to myself.
that i am free to do whatever i want.
that there is no work to do.
that there is no clothes to be ironed.
that there is no little spaces to pack.
that there is no --------- to --- --- ---.
i shall practice selfcontrol and not blog for the rest of the week.
shoot me if you see a new post.
3:40 PM
i really wish i can say that i'm not affected and disappointed.
but i can't.
i am not bitter. but when i read the names.
it felt bad. i knew there was not much chance but there was still this little hope that i held on to.
i feel happy for them. i know the delight they must feel when they see their name.
perhaps soon we will have a great tsunami warning system!
i know i said. its by His will, not mine.
but why is it just so hard to say these words now.
He loves me. i guess that's all i need to know. and i cling to it.
i thank you for this lesson
i thank you for Your love :)
3:12 PM
& Wednesday, March 16
oh man.
glori fell in love with a boy called hongjun.
well, the cute guy in vj
(at least that's what i thought when i first saw him
but he ain't cute anymore cos
#1 he can't speak well
#2 his attitude SUCKS big time, worse than mine i think
#3 he is a flirt)
so anyway
his name is HONGKHIM!
maybe they are brothers or relatives or share the same great great grandfather
this is so exciting!! haha:)
at least gloree has many pictures of her cute boy.
i realised that every single picture i have of my cute boy
he is under the tallll hat. sigh~
so the next time stella/eugene decides not to have class
i'll go hunt for him:)
i think i'm high on being bored.
shall go run.
since my legs are perfectly fine.
though my arms are dying.
4:59 PM
& Tuesday, March 15
today i am happy.
it started off really really badly.
but i remembered(thankfully)
what crystal said 8374 years ago.
"everyday i tell myself that today is a good day because He made it"
and therefore everyday is a good day.
all that matters is my response:)
rockclimbing was cool:)
i learnt something.
if you're feeling sad and disappointed with yourself
do what many people do
throw rocks/stones/pebbles into a pond or river actually anything which has water.
and if you cannot find that and the only thing that has water is the swimming pool(warning: do not attempt)
then throw it at a black box(which is supposed to be a light source)
of course remember to find a crazy friend who climbed-to-the-top-of-the-wall to throw with you! go sherman:)
please note this is a highly funny and dangerous activity
because you run in the risk of pissing eugene off.
so if you know what's best for you, stop and dont push it.
in the event you did not know what's best for you. start running away.
and do not, i repeat DO NOT climb the wall when escaping.
because eugene happens to be a pro. it will be a dead end.
frankly between an angry eugene and death,
i cant choose.
- i should start running away now:)
to the rockclimbing wall:
you may laugh and gloat now
but one day i will sit on top of you.
smile and take a picture.
so there!
the NTU thing was a breeze.
other than it being soooo big and hilly
and experiencing how hard it is to keep up with a guy who is 192 cm and whose stride is twice yours with you aching from climbing rocks.
it was a breeze.
i think i won't get picked, but who cares right.
i had the experience.
i love my rosy cheeks and red nose!
which will disappear in a few days but that's ok.
nothing can get me down:)
i shall go run tomorrow, unless my legs say otherwise.
and today is one of the few days
when i throw my head back and really laugh:)
i smile. again
8:18 PM
thanks for caring enough to call. you have no idea how much it meant.
i'm sorry for being such a rebel.
i refuse to say its just a phrase or age.
cos i'm not bad i know, its just that my people relation skills suck big time
and sometimes i just cant stand it that you're right almost all the time.
ok so my attitude sucks too.
but beneath all the complaining and i-dont-know-what-you-want,
i know you love me
and i love you too.
i tried to be good, though most of the time its does not seem good enough.
if ever i pluck up enough courage and put away my pride.
i would, like the malays,
put my hand over my heart bow my head and say sorry.
i doubt the day would come. really
but if you are reading this, i hope that you see that it comes from the bottom of my heart.
i really dont understand you sometimes.
but you mean well. i know.
and i'll try to be good. i'll really try
8:00 PM
& Monday, March 14

my sister is a great cook!
look at her lovely vegetables:)
for the record i'm talking about my sister who is halfway across the world:)
i just realised that my sister
(the one who is sitting 5 steps behind me)
is soooo pro at writing essays.
gosh ask her for her Othello essay and see the greatness of my sister!
note: i know because i decided to be nice and help her type out her essay
and my brother is the best at badminton.
come for the church camp and play with him!
you'll see what i mean:)
since all of us have the same parents
it means that we have similar genes therefore i'm good at all those stuff!
no i am joking:)
once again you see God. look again.
two parents --> four children that are sooo different.
imagine 6 billion people.
i'm proud of us.
to choose between an overseas education paid by my parents beacause i'm their only child
and 3 siblings.
i choose us. anyday and everyday:)
8:11 PM
& Sunday, March 13
i say it again.
disappointment is a bitter feeling.
community walk was good.
i am reminded that i am so blessed, too blessed.
have we taken His love for granted
have we belittled his scarifice.
have we forgotten that it was He who chose us first
that its by His grace and mercy that we have the chance to know Him.
that He did not have to give His life, he had no obligation.
do we still remember who GOD is.
i felt very disappointed and ashamed today.
a hypocrite.
i feel like a jonah.
disobedient, rebellious, bitter.
i really do not want a big fish but if that's the only way to wake me up, so be it.
we all need to grow up. really
i need to run.
to feel invirgorated again.
9:45 PM
& Saturday, March 12
i'm selected for the science research interview!
along with people from raffles hwachong temasek. and i sigh :(
please don't ask any general knowledge questions or i'll make a fool out of myself and victoria and die.
ask if i am a geography student! and if i have any idea how tsunamis come about!
where's the discipline to read the newspapers everyday :(
note to self:
#1 go read the newspapers
#2 read marianne chong again!
#3 PRAY and PRAY
i know He will choose the right person for this project. and i will be happy no matter the outcome:)
i love this show.
cheers to julian for lending me his precious dvd :)
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
psalm 16:11
today i will walk tall :)
with my Lord beside me.
i will lift my head
my hand in His hand
His word in my heart.
and i will smile and truly live :)
i wanna walk tall. everyday.
8:31 AM
& Thursday, March 10
i have decided to be a escapist for an hour
to run away from the insanely difficult physics assignment.
kinematics is disgusting tough.
in the morning:
mummy: jiejie knows you want to retake chinese arh?
me: ermmmmmm. yea i think so.
(ohmygoodnesshowsheknow i havent told her yet!)
mummy: o_0
(to herself: when did jie talk to xian, how come i dunno?!)
luckily my mum didnt ask further.
i mean should i tell her i have a blog?
what if she wants to read it?
oh well,
this confirms that my sister DOES read this.
but like all the rest of my siblings,
she refuses to comment!
ONE more day!
i am so happy :)
no i do not hate school.
actually i enjoy it if you take away econs and physics.
i'm just really tired.
and there is soo many things to do!
i really should have march holiday resolutions.
9:23 AM
& Wednesday, March 9
today i ponned physics lecture.
at this rate, this will be the last lecture we'll skip.
gosh A levels are soooo tough.
and you thought Os were crazy?!
the thought of university can make me cry.
so meiqi gladys hilda grace and i went for lunch while we were supposed to be in the lecture hall copying graphs and keeping ourselves awake by using eye-mo.
we tried to do the SUPER TOUGH geometric progression tutorial but laughed too much to finish a question.
oh well, march holidays are HERE!! :)
geog tutorial was really cool today!
learnt new words like castle-koopies/pediplanations blahblah
and moujian was asking all the weird questions as usual.
this guy is really eccentric. no wonder he is going RJ.
ms tham was introducing this person to us, "RJ small"
(i forgot who he is already, shall ask stella!)
and deyang was like VJ big.
that was like sooooo funny. LOL:)
guitar is finally over!
not that i hate it. but its really mentally exhausting.
and my fingers get numb :(
i get to miss the first day of guitar camp!
cos there's science research interviews at NTU.
i really really pray that we are shortlisted.
i wanna research on the tsunamis warning systems!
but its by Your will, not mine. :)
to the government of Singapore:
just what is your problem?!
why do you change your policies whenever you feel like it?
all the social studies thing about you having careful thought about your policies and therefore
foreigners like to come and invest in singapore is CRAP!
just because you felt like it,
the PEARLS system is off.
yes i agree this system is crap!
and judging by your actions you agree with me too right?!
then why did you ever implement it in the first place?!
10:48 PM
& Tuesday, March 8
singapore's education system has failed.
and the best thing.
no one is doing anything about it.
yes sometimes i surprise myself.
ask anyone and they will say they have never met someone who sucked at chinese and hated it more than me.
i did higher chinese in sec 1 to please my mum.
i did higher chinese in sec 4 to please my principal.
i promised myself that the moment i get a B
i will never do chinese again.
i changed my mind.
i like to think that i am strong and decisive and will never go back on my word
but i guess
if you knew you were wrong and refused to change in order to look strong
then you would really be feeble-minded.
therefore, i'm retaking chinese to please myself. for once.
and somehow, i can see my ex-chinese teacher fainting.
i dont deny that i would like my certificate to look better.
but that is NOT why i'm doing this. really.
my actions seem to mirror agnes's. again.
note: i have no idea that i'm mean and menacing.
well some people are liars pull-leggers.
(see the one who said she punched a guy and bled -ahem)
9:24 PM
& Monday, March 7
jing di zhi wa
the frog in the well.
open my eyes to see Your miracles.
open my ears to hear Your voice.
open my heart to receive Your love.
and i'm coming back to You. again.
open my eyes to see the world.
open my ears to hear their cries.
open my heart to feel for the lost.
and i will go, the moment You call.
i don't want to be like the frog.
i want to see the world for all its worth.
i want to be the person He meant me to be.
i want to do the work He planned for me.
i have decided to retake chinese.
say i'm crazy, i dont care.
#1 i am ashamed that i am a chinese and i cannot speak and write the language properly.
#2 as of now, the dominant language in china is chinese.
#3 chinese is a beautiful language. tough but beautiful. (see above)
i love to hear prayers in chinese. and i hope one day i can really understand these prayers and even say them.
#4 i want to learn malay and greek someday. if i don't learn my mother tongue well, what right do i have to learn another language.
#5 if foreigners can speak and write chinese, why can't i.
i will complain. i'm sure of it.
but i also know that i will be happy when its done.
now i wonder what jie will say :)
9:10 PM
quote of the week
jane to me: you are more arts than you admit.
o_0 if that means i'm sarcastic. i fully agree.
i am not really proud of it. ok maybe a little :)
but if that means i think about shakespere(how do you spell his name?)
and am able to argue about everything.
i'm afraid you are mistaken.
cheerios and cornflakes to the year 3 victorians!
i was in school for assembly
and then i was freeeeee.
-smilesmilesmile (:
had the best time with my cool class!
went to macs for breakfast/lunch
to giant for all the tidbits and junk
to julian's HUGE house
-is a bungalow
-has a swimming pool
-has 2 electric guitars, 2 normal guitars, 1 twelve string guitar.
-is a zooooo. he has a dog! -shudder
i love his room:)
selfcontained and supeer neat.
am inspired to get rid of all the clutter in the little spaces that belong to me.
love my class! and almost everyone is staying in vj:) YAY!
i finally watched this show!
and i am still stuffed. ughh.
shall go running soon :)
i did alot of reflections today.
and listened to Him.
i really love the long bus rides.
when all i have is JESUS!
8:45 PM
& Sunday, March 6
i am the worst liar in the world.
( see gloree joyyyyy)
for that i am pleased with myself.
i believe my parents are proud
stella eugene laysiang and all my teachers are happy
and GOD is smiling on me!
why did i smile.
i ruined everything.
to glorreee:
that was not stupid.
i mean i did make you laugh right?! i hope.
considering you are not too happy now
and the fact that i am nice.
i shall forgive you for the extremely complimentary entry.
cheer up girl:)
if you need someone to scream with
call me!
i need to scream too :)
andre: Christ is not coming soon.
i felt sad when i heard that, really
i pray for workers
i pray You send me. please.
to you:
stop picking on me!
i am still amazed at how you can make something out of nothing.
and i can't argue.
stella read the geog poem!
i am sooo shocked.
that entry was like ancient.
9:05 PM
& Saturday, March 5
today i'm a slacker.
my life is in such a mess.
my table is in a mess
my cupboard is in a mess
my shelf beside my table is in a mess
my shelf beside my bed is in a mess
my file is a mess
my bag is a mess
i planned to clear everything today. really.
so much for new year resolutions
ate dinner alone with someone today!
-smiles :)
we havent talked so much quite a while
as usual we were talking about random stuff
and almost everything
i think we talked for like 2 hrs straight
but it was great!
cheerios to my dearest sister!!
love ya :)
if an apple a day can keep you away,
i'll take two.
there is something i'm supposed to do
i can't seem to remember what it is.
i refuse to smile at glori anymore.
9:31 PM
& Friday, March 4
he is no fool
who gives what he cannot keep
to gain what he cannot lose.
-jim elliot
i don't wanna be a fool
to live for things that don't matter.
4:09 PM
& Thursday, March 3
met gloria at PS
to catch up and finally watch a movie together again:)
took neos!
the machine was screwed and it was like soo expensive.
come on 9 bucks for some paper and colour :(
oh well
its the first time we took neos together
it was pretty good :)
a romantic comedy so as expected
it was cliche and happily-ever-after
but it was really sweet and funny!!
girl: could you give me a ring soon
girl: i, i mean the phone
guy gives an amused smile.
that was like soooo funny.
-smiles :)
will smith rocks!
eva mendes is pretty cool and classy :)
i'm sorry i couldnt stay
really wished i could.
havent talked to you for a long time.
lets meet up soon k.
love, esther
cheers to gloria :)
i had a great time today
even though we didnt have much time to really catch up on things
i'm glad we met up.
lets try to do this more often yar.
-smiles :)
8:18 PM

i love these people
note: i'm the tallest in class. :)
12:14 AM
& Wednesday, March 2
school :(
when you see the number of 6,7 pointers.
you go sigghhh~
oh well
He loves me for who i am
not for what i have.
thankfully :)
went to NUS today!
open house for geog:)
it was pretty cool. and i don't need an overseas scholarship anymore.
i mean i would love to have it.
but a local scholarship will do fine. :)
even if i don't get anything.
i will be happy :)
i happened to sit beside ms tham during the talk.
and she really loves green. LOL:)
note: ms tham says stella was a slacker. what's new?! haha:)
stella called and i daooed her!!
no, actually i was admiring the refreshments
but i called her back
and we talked for like eleven minutes twentythree seconds.
i'm quite thankful actually.
the time passed much faster.
and i could pretend i didnt see marcus cos i'm busy talking right?!
and when he said hi i didnt have to talk to him
cos i'm still busy talking.
so that was good.
she saved me from a weird situation.
to stella:
i really didnt get your message.
one of our phones is screwed.
i just realised that david's play is in chinese.
was a little apprehensive at first
but remembered that
i must improve my chinese!
so the play is good :)
to esther:
won't you learn.
fear limits you
you will never ever reach your full potential
snap out of it. what they think ain't matter.
its what He thinks.
10:55 PM
& Tuesday, March 1
i have absolutely no wish to go back to school.
i want a book
-the memory of running (Ron Mclarty)
i cant apply for JAE.
i really don't want school.
i finally applied for JAE.
i dont want school.
i dont want to lug the guit to school.
i dont want to stay till 5.30
i dont want to leave the house.
i dont want to wake up early.
i dont want to wear the uniform.
i dont want school.
i am feeling mean.
this is not the MMMA thing.
if this goes on, i'm gonna get whacked soon.
i need to run.
i really wish i could fly.
9:41 PM
i thank you
you are the only reason for everything.
thank you for your grace
your extravagance.
and i'm not talking about grades
i know You know that.
i thank you for your mercy
your presence during that time.
i cant thank you enough.
all i have is my life. use it please.
i thank you for your love
for never comparing me with anyone but myself
for loving me just as i am
for helping me when i needed it most.
i thank you
i thank you that you are always there
even when you are far away.
i was really touched that you replied immediately.
i don't care if the phone woke you up or you happened to be awake or whatever.
i was really touched:)
i thank you that you are always real
that you are always yourself no matter where you are
that you put up with me all the time
that you let me confide in you and hear my rantings
i love you though i never say it
and i know you love me too! -smiles:)
i thank you that you are so big and tall with such a wonderful heart.
that you are sweet in your little ways
that you look after me.
i really love you. forgive me for my temper.
i wouldnt blow at you if i didnt care.
i always complain about you.
but i'm truly thankful.
i'm nowhere without you.
thank you for believing in me
for scolding me
for caring:)
laoshi: wo kao le B4:) xie xie ni!
i thank you for loving me for who i am
i love you pple too.
so much
9:42 AM